
This page demonstrates different ways of creating automation around gokrazy, in two different scenarios:

  1. As a user of gokrazy, who wants to automate common workflows of one or more gokrazy instances.

  2. As a provider of a package that can be used with gokrazy, who wants to ensure the program(s) can be built into a gokrazy instance in a continuous integration service like GitHub Actions.

Automating common workflows with a Makefile

The make tool can be used to document and centralize common workflows.

For example, I use the following Makefile. I run make get && make update from cron every day. I sometimes manually run make overwrite with /dev/sdx being my USB SD card reader. And for debugging, make root produces a SquashFS image I can inspect with unsquashfs -ll.

GOK := gok -i dr


.PHONY: get update overwrite root

	${GOK} get --update_all

	${GOK} update

	${GOK} overwrite --full /dev/sdx

	${GOK} overwrite --root /tmp/root.squashfs

The first line is the so-called “gokline”. In this line, you can centrally put all the command-line flags, environment variables or config templating hooks.

For example, in router7, I set the GOARCH=amd64 environment variable to make Go compile for x86-64 (PC) instead of ARM (Raspberry Pi):

GOK := GOARCH=amd64 gok -i router7

make: config templating

You can start templating hooks, simple or complicated, by adding them into your gokline:

GOK := sed 's,"Hostname": "","Hostname": "$(GOKRAZY_HOSTNAME)",g' config.tmpl.json > config.json && gok -i bakery

I then run the following command from cron:

make update GOKRAZY_HOSTNAME=bakery

Continuous Integration: GitHub Actions

You can place the following gokrazy.yml into your .github/workflows directory to verify that your program builds as a gokrazy appliance:

name: gokrazy appliance build


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

    - uses: actions/checkout@v2

    - uses: actions/setup-go@v2
        # Latest minor release of Go 1.19:
        go-version: ^1.19

    - name: install gok CLI
      run: |
        go install
        echo "PATH=$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin" >> $GITHUB_ENV        

    - name: create new gokrazy instance
      run: gok new

    - name: add this program to the gokrazy instance
      run: gok add .

    - name: generate gokrazy disk image
      run: gok overwrite --root root.squashfs